Urmul Trust


बाल विवाह के विरूद्व अंतरराष्ट्रीय अभियान का थार मरूस्थल में क्रियान्वयन -UNICEF

Scope of the project - Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Project started - November 2014With the aim of rooting out the practice like child marriage prevalent in the state, Urmul Trust, Bikaner andThe Girls Not Bride project is being jointly operated by UNICEF in Bikaner, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer districts.by the institution. Since November 2014, the Girls Not Bride project is being implemented in 150 villages of the Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts.Project Objective:1. Prevention and abolition of child marriage practice prevalent in the society.2. Awareness by giving information about the disadvantages and effects of child marriage to the publicBring in.3. To prepare the young men and women of the area to end the practice of child marriage.4. Selection of child-married families in the area and preparation of their case study.5. Members of the Panchayati Raj Institutions of the area to get rid of the ill effects of child marriage.training for6. Prevention and termination of child marriage to the members of the Village Health and Sanitation Committee of the area.training to do.7. To prevent and end child marriages of the religious leaders of the area, social personsTo train8. To create child marriage-free villages by bringing awareness among the villagers of the area and their self-motivation.9. Organizing the youth of the area and training them.The details of activities organized under the project are as follows: Life skill training of youth:One-day village-level training programs were organized to develop and strengthen the understanding of the harm and effects of child marriage among the youth and women of the villages of the project area. During this training, the work done by the organization in the villages was shared with the youth and various possible efforts to stop child marriage and the laws and acts issued by the government were discussed.Orientation of School Management Committee members:School Management Committee members were oriented on the issues of prevention and termination of child marriage in the project-operated area. During this orientation program, all the members explained the effects of child marriage on society, as well as the efforts to connect the children, left out of the school in the village were discussed.Orientation to Panchayati Raj members:Under the project, a one-day orientation program was organized for Panchayati Raj members, Sarpanch, Upsarpanch and Ward Panches of Bikaner and Jodhpur districts. During the orientation program, the harm caused by child marriage to the members of Panchayati Raj and the bad effects on society were discussed. During the program, possible efforts were also discussed with the members to make their villages and gram panchayats child-marriage-free. During this, the members participating in the program were administered oaths to prevent child marriages in their respective areas.Orientation of Village Health and Sanitation Committee members:One day orientation was organized for the members of the Village Health and Sanitation Committee of Bikaner villages of the project area. During the program, the ill effects of child marriage on the physical and mental levels were discussed. Along with this, the figures for increasing maternal mortality and infant mortality rate in India due to child marriage were discussed. During the programme, the members were administered an oath not to allow child marriage to take place in their respective areas.

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