पशुपालन व महिला स्वयं सहायता समूहां के द्वारा रेगिस्तान में स्थाई सामूदायिक विकास परियोजना - HEIFER In
Scope of the Project - Development Block, Sridungargarh, District, Bikaner: Financial Assistance: Highfar International India. The project started - in January 2011by the institution. Since January 2011, this project has been implemented in 20 villages of Sridungargarh in the Bikaner district.being done. Under the project, only women's groups have been formed in the villages under the prescribed procedure.AG Group:Groups are formed by selection by the organization and the community. With whom the project was started.P.O.G Group:Groups were formed by selecting women by OG group.Details of goats currently available with the groups formed under the project:A total of 2164 goats were distributed to 18 OG groups and 44 POG groups were formed under the project.Details of works done under the project:Organization of Animal Health Camp: According to the planning under the project, animal health camps are organized every quarter in the villages of the project area as per the requirement. Mostly all types of animals come to these camps. 5792 animals were treated in the camps organized this year. In which mainly the work of de-worming, vaccination etc. was done.Project Management Committee:Under the project, a project management committee has been formed including 16 OG groups and 44 POG groups. 01 member from each group was selected by the members of the group with mutual consent. A monthly meeting of the Project Management Committee is organized every month. The main task of the Project Management Committee is to conduct the formed groups and activities properly, on time and with quality. Presently an amount of Rs 10 lakh 62 thousand 300 is available with the committee for conducting the activities.Rainwater harvesting tank construction:Under the project, rainwater harvesting tanks were constructed for 158 families in the year 2015-2016. The main objective of the construction of these water tanks is to store rainwater so that cooperation can be found in solving the water problem in the villages of the area.Connecting the rainwater harvesting tank to the roof of the house: Under the project, in the year 2015-2016, rainwater harvesting tanks were connected to the roof of houses for 150 families. The main purpose of connecting these water tanks to the roof of the house is to store rainwater so that there can be cooperation in solving the water problem in the villages of the area.Construction of smokeless stove:Under the project, smokeless chulhas were constructed for 244 families in the year 2015-2016. The main aim of making this chulhas is to avoid smoke and to develop the habit of saving fuel and try to solve the problem in the community.Vegetable seeds distribution for kitchen gardening:Under the project, seeds were distributed to 784 families for kitchen gardening in the year 2015-2016. Its main objective was to develop the habit of kitchen gardening in the families associated with the project and to ensure the availability of green vegetables for the family.Toilet Construction:Under the project, toilets were constructed for 137 families in the year 2015-2016. Its main objective is to attract the attention of the community towards the need for cleanliness and women in the families involved in the project and encourage them to give priority to this work.